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Do you live in Colorado? Are you moving to Colorado? We’re betting that you don’t know some of the following facts about this amazing state. If you think you have your Colorado trivia down, test...

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When you first get to Fort Collins, we can promise you one thing will happen for certain: you won’t want to stay indoors! Well, not if you are moving to Fort Collins during the summertime,...

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If you scour the internet, you’ll probably see some discouraging news on renting in Denver. But take a closer look, and you’ll see that renting is really the best option. A September 2013 article on...

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Did you just move into a new neighborhood? Are you planning on moving long distance? As the new neighbor, there are some things that you should do to let your other neighbors know who you...

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Every once in a while, a non-profit really stands out from the crowd. While all non-profits are doing something amazing simply by existing, The Urban Farm in Denver, Colorado, is worth a moment or two...

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A hot tub can be a great thing. After a long day at work, getting into your bathing suit and hitting that hot water just feels great. But, what do you do if you want...

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A recent study published in the ‘Journal of Experimental Psychology’ states that creativity and the physical act of walking are closely linked. As it turns out, the brain and the body must both be in...

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Maybe it’s the mountain air or the many days of sunshine. Or, maybe it’s just the pace of life in Colorado. For whatever reason, Colorado residents are crafty. There are some things made in Colorado...

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The decision to move can be a tough one. Whether your upcoming move was caused by a new job or the need to find different scenery, chances are that you’ll have to say goodbye to...

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It takes a lot of time and energy to build an amazing vegetable garden. When you move, you’ll want to try and take as many plants with you as possible. While tricky, you can move...